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Results for Clear
- Author
- LAHDE, Gerhardt Lutwig.
- Title
- Branden i Kiobenhavn: d: 5. 6. Og 7, Juny 1795.
- Published
- Copenhagen: 1795.
- Ref
- 5037
- Author
- FISCHER, Alvan.
- Title
- Views of La Grange. The Residence of General Lafayette.
- Published
- Boston: Printed by Le Villain in Paris for A. Fisher, 1826.
- Ref
- 5020
- Author
- SAYER, Robert (pub).
- Title
- Ruins of Lisbon as [sic.] appeared immediately after the Earth Quake and Fire, on the 1st Nov 1755.
- Published
- London: Printed for Robert Sayer, [no date, but first plate dated 1805].
- Ref
- 5018
- Author
- GYSIUS, Joannes
- Title
- Korte Schets van het Leeven en Sterven der Martelaaren...
- Published
- Amsterdam, 1720.
- Ref
- 1665
Awaiting image
- Author
- Ibn Muhammad Khan Safdar 'Ali.
- Title
- [Alexander The Great] (The History of Alexander).
- Published
- Kabul, Afghanistan, 1874.
- Ref
- 1659
Awaiting image
- Author
- Unknown
- Title
- [Illuminated Manuscript] Ejecutoria de Idalguia de la Familia Don Ramon Zazo y Ortega...
- Published
- Madrid, Spain, 18th cent.
- Ref
- 1658
Awaiting image
- Author
- Unknown.
- Title
- [Illuminated Manuscript]. Ejecutoria de Idolguia de la familia de Valderrama.
- Published
- Madrid, 16th cent.
- Ref
- 1657
- Author
- FRIEDEL, Adam de.
- Title
- Portraits. [Heroes of the Greek Revolution]
- Published
- London & Paris, 1827-1929.
- Ref
- 1654
- Author
- FRIES, Ernst.
- Title
- Quadrille paree costumee representant les quatre parties du monde, executee a la cour de S.M. le Roi de Baviere, le 3rd Fevier 1835.
- Published
- Munich, I.M. Hermann, ca 1835.
- Ref
- 1639
- Author
- Title
- Published
- Granada: 9 December 1672.
- Ref
- 1527
- Author
- SPECKTER, Otto J. Prommel and J.H. Jander.
- Title
- Deutschland's Sieg bei Eckernforde in Bilden.
- Published
- Hamburg: R. Kittler [1850].
- Ref
- 1523
- Author
- Title
- Vues Pittoresques des Ruines les plus remarquables de l’ancienne ville de Pompei.
- Published
- Zurich: chez l’auteur et chez Henry Fuessli et Comp, 1825.
- Ref
- 1510