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Results for Clear
- Author
- BLACKBURN, Jane (illus.)
- Title
- Scenes of Animal Life & Character from nature & recollection.
- Published
- London: Griffith and Farran, St.Paul's Churchyard, c. 1870.
- Ref
- 449
- Author
- ROMILLY, Edith Blackburn.
- Title
- Caw! Caw! or the chronicle of crows. A Tale of the spring-time.
- Published
- London: Grant & Griffith, 1850-55.
- Ref
- 448
- Author
- BENNETT, Charles H.
- Title
- Lightsome, and the little Golden Lady.
- Published
- London: Griffith and Farran, 1867.
- Ref
- 447
- Author
- MARS, E and M.H. Squire.
- Title
- Children Of Our Town.
- Published
- New York: R.H. Russell, 1902.
- Ref
- 435
- Author
- BEAUFORT, Margaud de Mlle.
- Title
- Petit Tableau des Arts et Metiers ou Notions sur les Principaux travaux des hommes.
- Published
- Paris: à la librairie de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse, chez Pierre Blanchard, 1825
- Ref
- 418
- Author
- EDWARDS, George Wharton.
- Title
- Sundry Rhymes from the days of our Grandmothers'.
- Published
- New York: A. D. Randolph & Co., 1888.
- Ref
- 370
- Author
- WITSEN-GEYSBEEK, Pieter Gerard.
- Title
- De Kleine Zimmermann, of de aarde en hare Bewoners; een leesboek voor de beschaafde jeugd. Nieuwe ui
- Published
- Amsterdam: G. Portielje, 1838.
- Ref
- 343
- Author
- Title
- Geschiedenis van ons vaderland, van de komst der Batavieren hier te lande tot op onzen Tijd. Een lee
- Published
- Leiden: D. Noothoven van Goor, (ca. 1850)
- Ref
- 326
- Author
- OSWALT, Heinrich.
- Title
- Unter'm Marchenbaum. (Under the Fairy Tale Tree). Allerlei Märchen, Geschichtchen und Fabeln in Reim
- Published
- Frankfurt am Main: Literarische Anstalt von Rütten und Loening, n.d.
- Ref
- 301
- Author
- WELSH, Charles.
- Title
- On Coloured Books for Children with a Catalogue of the Books Exhibited.
- Published
- London: C. W. H. Wyman / Sette of Odd Volumes, 1887.
- Ref
- 285
- Author
- SAILLET, Alexandre de.
- Title
- Memoires d'un Centenaire, dedies a ses arriere-petits-enfants.
- Published
- Paris: A. Desesserts, [1850]
- Ref
- 284
- Author
- SAILLET, Alexandre de.
- Title
- Galerie de l'Enfance, scenes historiques et morales.
- Published
- Limoges: Barbou Freres, c. 1845.
- Ref
- 281