SPL Hand Coloured Rare Book Collection Featuring Norman R Bobins

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The Genera of British Moths/ Popular described and arranged according to the system now adopted in the British Museum. Illus. by a series of picturesque plates, exhibiting the insects in their different stages, with the caterpillars and the plants on

A book published and designed to appeal to the inquiring mind interested in the science of entomology.

London: T. J. Allman, [1870].
London: T. J. Allman, [1870].

In publishers cloth, with gilt panels, title with attractive illustrations and devices in gilt block to upper board, and in blind to lower board; new spine in leather with red morocco title label, raised bands in blind and gilt in rule; fresh endpapers; all edges gilt; some pages have become loose; 206p; 4to. 62 Hand Coloured Plates. A work of British Moths displaying the Insects in their different ages, with the Caterpillars and the plants on which they are usually found. Coloured plates in order: 1. Frontispiece. 2. (1) The Privet Hawk-moth (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Spotted Hawk-Moth (4) The Caterpillar of same (5) The Striped Hawk-moth. 3. (1) The Oleander Hawk-Moth (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Small Elephant Hawk-Moth (4) The Caterpillar of same (5) The Humming-Bird Moth (6) The Caterpillar of same (7) The Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-moth (8) The Green Forester (9) The Six-spot Burnet-Moth (10) The Caterpillar of same. 4. The Hornet-Moth (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Currant Clearwing (4) The Caterpillar of same (5) The Ghost-Moth - female (6) The Ghost-Moth - male (7) the Caterpillar of same (8) The Wood-Leopard-Moth (9) The Caterpillar of same (10) The Goat-Moth (11) The Caterpillar of same. 5. (1) The Lobster-Moth (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Pebble Prominent (4) The Caterpillar of same (5) The Swallow Prominent (6) The Caterpillar of same (7) the Coxcomb Prominent (8) The Caterpillar of same (9) The Pale Prominent (9.5) Spatalia Bicolora (New Species) (10) The Lunar Marbled Brown (11) The Rannoch Sprawler (12) The female of same. 6. (1) The Great Prominent (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Kentish Glory (4) The female of same (5) The Caterpillar of the Kentish Glory (6) The Emperor-Moth (7) The Caterpillar of same (8) The Oak Lappet (9) The Oak Lappet, with wings at rest (10) The Caterpillar of same (11) The Small Lappet (12) The Caterpillar of same. 7. (1) The Pine Lappet (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Buff-tip (4) The Caterpillar of same (5) The Puss-Moth - female (6) The Caterpillar of same (7) The Dak-barred Kitten (8) The Caterpillar of same. 8. (1) The Small Chocolate -tip (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Oak Eggar-Moth (4) The Oak Eggar-Moth - female (5) The Caterpillar of same (6) The Mall Oak Eggar-Moth (7) The Caterpillar of same (8) The December-Moth. 9. (1) The Black Arches-Moth (2) The female of the Black Arches (3) The Caterpillar of same (4) The Drinker-Moth (5) The Caterpillar of the Small Eggar (6) The Caterpillar of the Drinker-Moth (7) The Lackey-Moth (8) The Caterpillar of same (9) The Small Eggar (10) The female of the Drinker-Moth. 10. (1) The Gypsy (2) The female of same (3) The Caterpillar of same (4) The Light Tussock (5) The Caterpillar of same (6) The Nut-tree Tussock (7) The Caterpillar of same (8) The Scarce Vapourer (9) The female of same (10) The Caterpillar of same. 11. (1) The Whittlesea Ermine (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Black V-Moth (4) The White Satin Moth (5) The Caterpillar of same (6) The Brown-tail Moth (7) The female of same (8) The Caterpillar of same (9) The Gold-tail Moth (10) The Caterpillar of same. 12. (1) The Scarlet-Tiger (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Clouded Buff (4) The female of same (5) The Caterpillar of same (6) The Garden-Tiger, or Great Tiger-Moth (7) The Caterpillar of same (8) The Wood-Tiger (9) The Caterpillar of same (10) The Ruby-Tiger (11) The Caterpillar of same (12) The Spotted Buff (13) The Caterpillar of same (14) The Spotted Muslin (15) The female of same (16) The Caterpillar of same. 13. (1) The Large Chimney-sweep (2) The female of same (3) The Brown muslin (4)The female of same (4.5) The Caterpillar of the Brown Muslin, in its case (5) The Shining Chimney-sweep (6) The Caterpillar of same (7) The Muslin (8) The Caterpillar of same (9) The Round-winged Muslin (10) The Triangle (11) The Caterpillar of same (12) The Festoon (13) The female of same (14) The Cinnabar Moth (15) The Caterpillar of same (16) The Red Arches (17) The Feathered Footman (18) The Caterpillar of same (19) The Crimson-speckled Footman (20) The Caterpillar of same (21) The Orange Footman (22) The Caterpillar of same (23) The Large Footman (23.5) The female of same (24) The Catepillar of same (25) The Red Necked Footman (26) The Caterpillar of same (27) The Four-spot Footman (28) The Dew Moth (29) The Caterpillar of same. 14. (1) The Large Yellow Underwing (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing (4) The Caterpillar of same (5) The Straw Underwing (6) The Square-spot Rustic (7) The Brown-feathered Rustic (8) The Six-striped Rustic (9) The Antler (10) The Black Rustic. 15. (1) The Common Dart (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Coast Dart (4) The Heart and Dart (5) The Caterpillar of same (6) The Rosy Marsh Moth (7) The Welsh Rustic (8) The Dotted Rustic (9) the Purple Clay (10) The Ingrailed Clay (11) The Caterpillar of same (12) The Double-square Spot. 16. (1) The Early Chestnut (2) The True Lover's Knot (3) The Caterpillar of same (4) The Hebrew Character (5) The Pine Beauty (6) The Caterpillar of same (7) The Red Chestnut (8) The Caterpillar of same (9) The Clouded Drab (10) A pale variety of the Clouded Drab (11) The Common Quaker (12) The Blossom Underwing (13) The Caterpillar of same. 17. The Brown-spot Pinion (2) The Dotted Chestnut (3) The Caterpillar of same (4) The Chestnut (5) The Caterpillar of same (6) The Satellite (7) The Caterpillar of same (8) The Copper Underwing (9) The Caterpillar of same (10) The Mouse (11) The Caterpillar of same (12) The Gothic (13) The Caterpillar of same (14) The Bird's wing (15) The Feathered Brindle. 18. (1) The Flame (2) The Golden-rod Brindle (3) The Sword Grass (4) The Caterpillar of same (5) The Red Sword Grass (6) The Caterpillar of same (7) The Light Arches (8) The Dark Arches (9) The Clouded Brocade (10) The Caterpillar of same (11) The Crescent. 19. (1) The Golden Ear (2) The Double-lobed (3) The Marbled Minor (4) The Cloaked Minor (5) A pale variety of the Cloaked Minor. (6) Haworth's Minor (7) The Rustic Shoulder-knot (8) The Caterpillar of same (9) The Union Rustic (10) The Brindled Ochre. 20. (1) The Small Angleshades (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Dot (4) The Caterpillar of same (5) The Bright-line Brown Eye (6) The Caterpillar of same (7) The Dark Brocade (8) The Shears (9) The Caterpillar of same (10) The Earl Grey (11) The Bordered Gothic (12) The Feathered Gothic. 21. (1) The Feathered Ear (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Campion (4) The Caterpillar of same (5 & 5.5) The Caterpillar of the Lychnis (6) The Beautiful Coronet (7) The Dusky Sallow (8) The July Chi (9) The Large Ranunculus (10) The Caterpillar of same (11) The Feathered Ranunculus (12) The Green Arches (13) The Caterpillar of same (14) The Gray Arches (15) The Caterpillar of same (16) The Great Bricade (17) The Caterpillar of same. 22. (1) The Wild Arrach (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Portland Moth (4) The Marvel-du-jour (5) The Caterpillar of same (6) The Green Brindled Dot (7) The Caterpillar of same (8) The Ealing's Glory (9) The Double-spot Brocade (10) The Peach Blossom (11) The Caterpillar of same (12) The Buff Arches (13) The Caterpillar of same. 23. (1) The Feathered Ranunculus (2) The Scarce Marvel of Peru (3) The Caterpillar of same (4) The Dark Dagger (5) The Caterpillar of same (6) The Alder (7) The Caterpillar of same (8) The Knot-Grass (9) The Caterpillar of same (10) The Sycamore (11) The Caterpillar of same (12) The Miller (13) The Caterpillar of same. 24. (1) The Marble Beauty (2) The Satin Carpet (3) The Yellow Horned (4) The Caterpillar of same (5) The Minor Shoulder-knot (6) The Heart Moth (7) The Double Kidney (8) The Caterpillar of same (9) The White-Spotted Pinion (10) The Caterpillar of same (11) The Dun-bar. 25. (1) The Pink-barred Sallow (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Orange Upperwing (4) The Caterpillar of same (5) The Flounced Rustic (6) The Caterpillar of same (7) The Centre-barred Sallow (8) The Herald (9) The Caterpillar of same (10) The Frosted Orange (11) The Caterpillar of same (12) The Butter-burr (13) The Double Line (14) The Caterpillar of same (15) The Treble Lines (16) The Mottled Rustic (17) The Caterpillar of same (18) The Reddish Buff (19) The Anomalus. 26. (1) The Silky Wainscot (2) The Flame Wainscot (3) The Small Rufus (4) The Bullrush (5) The female of same (6) The Caterpillar of same (7) The Tipped Wainscot (8) The Twin-spotted Wainscot (9) The Caterpillar of same (10) The Striped Wainscot (11) The Caterpillar of same (12) The New Leucania. 27. (1) The Fen Wainscot (2) The Powered Wainscot (3) The Tawny-veined Wainsot (4) The Angle-shades (5) The Caterpillar of same (6) The Great Angle-shades (7) The Mullein (8) The Caterpillar of same (9) The Shark (10) The Caterpillar of same. 28. (1) The Pease-blossom (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Flax Moth (4) The Caterpillar of same (5) The Purple Cloud (6) The Spectacle (7) The Caterpillar of same (8) The Purple Shades (9) The Caterpillar of same (10) The Silvery Y (11) The Caterpillar of same (12) The Burnished Brass (13) The Caterpillar of same. 29. (1) The Bordered Straw (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Spotted Clover Moth (4) The Caterpillar of same (5) The Beautiful Yellow Under-wing (6) The Small Yellow Under-wing (7) The Four-spotted (8) The Potted Sulphur (9) The Silver Hook (10) The Purpled Marbled (11) The Small Marbled (12) The Marbled White Spot (13) The Caterpillar of same (14) The Small Purpled Barred (15) The Black-neck (16) The Caterpillar of same (17) The Lunar Double Stripe 30. (1) The Old Lady (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Clifden Nonpareil (4) The Caterpillar of same (5) The Red Under-wing (6) The Caterpillar of same (7) The Orange Under-wing (8) The Caterpillar of same (9) The Burnet (10) The Shipton (11) The Caterpillar of same. 31. (1) The Black Mountain Moth (2) The Frosted Yellow (3) The Caterpillar of same (4) The Netted Mountain Moth (5) The Common Heath (6) The V Moth (7) The Caterpillar of same (8) The Bordered White (9) The female of same (10) The Grey Scalloped Bar (11) The March Moth (12) The female of same (13) The Spring Usher (14) The Mottled Umber (15) The female of same (16) The Caterpillar of same 32. (1) The Pale Brindled Beauty (2) The female of same (3) The Belted Beauty (4) The female of same (5) The Caterpillar of same (6) The male of the Brindled Beauty (7) The Peppered Moth (8) The female of same (9) The Caterpillar of same. 33. (1) The Feathered Thorn (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Scalloped Oak (4) The Caterpillar of same (5) The Scalloped Hazel (6) The Caterpillar of same (7) The Large Thorn (8) The Canary-shouldered Thorn (9) The Caterpillar of same (10) The September Thorn (11) The Caterpillar of same (12) The August Thorn (13) The Caterpillar of same (14) The Purple Thorn. 34. (1) the Lilac Beauty (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Chrysalis of the Lilac Beauty (4) The Orange Moth (5) The Caterpillar of same (6) The Brimstone Moth (7) The Caterpillar of same (8) The Swallow-tailed Moth (9) The Caterpillar of same (10) The Cocoon of the Swallow-tailed Moth (11) The Light Emerald (12) The Barred Red. 35. (1) The Large Emerald (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Small Emerald (4) The Caterpillar of same (5) The Grass Emerald (6) The Caterpillar of same (7) The Essex Emerald (8) The Blotched Emerald (9) The Caterpillar of same. 36. (1) The Speckled Beauty (2) The Waved Black (3) The Caterpillar of same (4) The Dusky Carpet (5) The Great Oak Beauty (6) The Caterpillar of same (7) The Willow Beauty (8) The Caterpillar of same (9) The Waved Umber (10) The Brindled White Spot (11) The Engrailed (12) The Caterpillar of same. 37. The Scotch Annulet (2) The Brown Annulet (3) The Barred Umber (4) The Caterpillar of the same (4.5) The Chrysalis of the Birch Mocha (5) The Common White Wave (6) The Caterpillar of same (7) The Grey Carpet (8) The Birch Mocha (9) A Variety of the Birch Mocha (9.5) The Caterpillar of same (10) The Dingy Mocha (11) The Clay Triple-lines. 38. (1) The Blood-Vein (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Dark-bordered Beauty (4) The Caterpillar of same (5) The Scorched Wing (6) The Caterpillar of same (7) The Straw Belle (8) The Grass Wave (9) The Caterpillar of same (10) The Belle (11) The Brown Silver Line (12) The Oblique Striped. 39. (1) The Manchester Treble-bar (2) The Slender Treble-bar (3) The Small Mallow (3.5) The Chalk Carpet (4) The Mottled Grey (5) The Welsh Wave (6) The Twin-spot Carpet (7) The Garden Carpet (8) The Caterpillar of same (9) The Silver-ground Carpet (10) The Green Carpet. 40. (1) The Northern Spinach Moth (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Clouded Yellow (4) The Caterpillar of the same (5) The Chrysalis of the Clouded Yellow (6) The Purple Bar (7) The Caterpillar of same (8) The Phoenix (9) The Caterpillar of same (10) The Chrysalis of the Phoenix (11) The Shoulder Stripe (12) The Caterpillar of same (13) The Barberry Carpet (14) The Caterpillar of same (15) The Chrysalis of the Barberry Carpet. (16) The Cocoon of the same (17) The Royal Mantle (18) The Yellow-ringed Carpet (19) The Autumn Green Carpet. 41. (1) The May High-flyer (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Dark Marbled Carpet (4) Juniper Carpet (5) The Winter Moth (5.5) The female of same (6) The November Moth (7) The Brindle-barred Yellow (8) The Early Tooth-striped (9) The Caterpillar of same (10) Beautiful Pug (11) The Caterpillar of same (12) The Marbled Pug 42. (1) The Horse Chestnut (2) The Streak (3) The Caterpillar of same (4) The Small Waved Umber (5) The Narrow-barred Carpet (6) The Dark Umber (7) The Broom Scallop (8) The Tissue (8.5) The Scarce Tissue (9) The Yellow Shell (10) The Scallop Shell (11) The Black-veined (12) The Snowy. 43. (1) The Large Magpie (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Chrysalis of the Large Magpie (4) The Speckled Yellow (5) The Clouded Silver (6) The Caterpillar of same (7) The Argent and Sable (8) The Caterpillar of same (9) The Small Argent and Sable (10) The Caterpillar of same. (11) The Beautiful Carpet (12) The Sandy Carpet (13) The Least Carpet (14) The Purpled-bordered Gold (15) The Drab Looper (16) The Caterpillar of same (17) The Chimney Sweep. 44. (1) The Clouded Border (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Lace Border (4) The Tawny Wave (5) The Dark Cream Wave (6) The Latticed Heath (7) The Dingy Shell (8) Blomer's Rivulet (9) The Small Yellow Wave (10) The Small Grass Emerald (11) The Common Emerald (12) The Caterpillar of same (13) The Small Blood-vein (14) The Peacock (15) The Caterpillar of same (16) The Tawny-barred Angle (17) The Caterpillar of same (18) The Small Scallop (19) The Beautiful Hook-tip. 45. (1) Scalloped Hook-tip (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Pebble Hook-tip (4) The Caterpillar of same (5) The Chinese Character (6) The Snout (7) The Caterpillar of same (8) The Beautiful Snout (9) The Dotted Fan-foot (10) The Common Fan-foot (11) The Caterpillar of same (12) The Fan-foot (13) The Lesser Belle (14) The Small Snout (15) The Dark-lined Snout (16) The Marsh Oblique-barred (17) The Tabby (18) The Meal Moth (19) The Gold Fringe (20) The Common Rosy Flouned (21) The Long-legged Pearl. 46. (1) The Lettered China-mark (2) The Beautiful China-mark (3) The Caterpillar of same (4) The Caterpillar in its leaf case (5) The Ringed China-mark (6) The Garden China-mark (7) The Caterpillar of same (8) The Small Magpie (9) The Caterpillar of same (10) The Rusty China-mark (11) The Orange Cloud (12) The Rusty Dot (13) The Dingy Pearl (14) The Rush Veneer (15) The Mother-of-Pearl (16) The Long winged Pearl (17) The Lesser Pearl (18) The Sulphur (19) The Straw Dot. 47. (1) The Garden Pebble (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Clouded Yellow Pearl (4) The Caterpillar of same (5) The Chequered Straw (6) The Diamond Spot (7) The Pale Straw (8) The Dusky Brindled (9) The Caterpillar of same (10) The Starry Brindle (11) The Caterpillar of same (12) The Scarce Crimson and Gold (13) The Crimson and Gold (14) The Purple and Gold (15) The Caterpillar of same (16) The Wavy-barred Sable (17) The White Spot. 48. (1) The Double-barred Nettle-tap (2) The Caterpillar of same (3) The Cocoon of the Double-barred Nettle-tap (4) The Leat Black Arches (5) The Green Silver Lines (6) The Caterpillar of same (7) The Cocoon on the Green Silver Lines (8) The Scarce Silver Lines (9) The Caterpillar of same (10) The Chrysalis of the Scarce Silver Lines (11) The Cream-bordered Green Pea (12) The Caterpillar of same. (13) The Cocoon of the Cream-bordered Green Pea (14) The Pea Green T (15) The Plain Yellow T. 49. (1) The Hazel T (2) The Grotian T (3) The Gerningian T (4) The Vine T (5) The Large Marbled T (6) The Caterpillar of same. (7) The Cocoon of the Large Marbled T (8) The Chrysalis of same (9) The Sprigged Green T (10) The Button T (11) The Rusty Rough-wing T (12) The Notch-wing T (12.5) The Winter T (13) The Chequered Pebble T (14) The Holmian T (15 & 16) The Caterpillar of same (17) The Conwayian T (18) The Lechean T (19) The Yellow-barred Iron T. 50. (1) The Short-barred White T (2) The Gentian T (3) The Caterpillar of same. (4) The White-back T (5) The Black-cloaked T (6) The Caterpillar of same (7) The Brown-cloaked T (8) The Caterpillar of same (9) The Beautiful Marbled T (10) The Angle-barred Single Dot T (11) The Lundian T (12) The Mottled Bran T (13) The Double Crescent T (14) The Red Cross T (15) The Red Bar T (16) The Oblique-barred T (17) The Solandrian T (18) The Single Blotched T (19) The White-barred Elm T (20) The Woeberian T (21) The Caterpillar of same (22, 23 & 24) The Chrysales of the Woeberian. 51. (1) The Large Dark Silver-striped T (2) The Brown-bordered T (3) The Faint Silver-striped T (4) The Silver-striped Orange Spot T (5) The Caterpillar of same (6) The Chrysalis of same (7) Moth at the rest of the Silver-striped Orange Spot T (8) The Codling T (9) The Caterpillar of same (10) The Plum-tree T (11) The Black Striped-edge T (12) The Yellow Blotch-backed T (13) The Petiverian T (14) The Double Orange Spot T (15) The Rheedian T (16) The Brown-cloaked T (17) The Lemon T. 52. (1) The Jaundiced Drab T (2) The Eight Spotted T (3) The Afternoon T (4) The Beautiful Rough-wing T (5) The Red-barred Grey T (6) The Brindled T (7) The Pale Clay T (8) The Rustic T (9) The Dotted Drab T (10) The Clouded Winter T. 53. (1) The Tawny-dotted T (2) The Straight-barred T (3) The Udmannian T (4) The Marbled Dog's-tooth T (5) The Silver-striped T (6) The Schulzian T (7) The Arched T (8) The Orange and Black T (9) The Servillian T (10) The Tessellated T (11) The Scarlet-barred Gold T (12) The Burdock T (13) The Doubtful T (14) The Orange-barred Pearl T (15) The Littoral Straw T (16) The Zoegian T. 54. (1) The Wall Grey (2) The Pine Knot horn (3) The Rosy Veneer (4) The Birch Knot-horn (5) The Warted Knot-horn (6) The Thistle Ermine (7) The Porphyry Knot-horn (8) The Twin-barred Knot-horn (9) The Double-striped Red Knot-horn (10) The Hoary Knot-horn (11) The Cinerous Knot-horn (12) The Cloaked Knot-horn (13) The Dingy Veneer (14) The Cast Knot-horn (15) The Honey Moth (16) The Honey-comb Moth (17) The Caterpillar of same (18) The Green-shaded Honey Moth (19) The Double Spot. 55. (1) The Dwarf Veneer (2) The Necklace Veneer (3) The Pearl-streak Veneer (4) The Gigantic Veneer (5) The Wainscot Veneer (6) The Autumnal Dagger (7) The Caterpillar of same (8) The Rosy-day (9) The March Dagger (10) The Caterpillar of same. 56. (1) The Pale Downy-horned (2) The Inconspicuous Solenebia (3) The Dotted Border (4) The White-spotted Black (5) The Spotted Bull (6) The Agaric Bull (7) The Black-cloaked Woollen (8) The Four-dotted Brown (9) The Verhuellian (10) The Oehlmann's (11) The Purple Upper-wing (12) The Swammerdamian (13) The De Geerian (14) The Caterpillar of same (15) The Cocoon of same (16) The Chrysalis of same (17) The Copper Japan. 57. (1) The Peacock's Feather (2) The White-horn Bar (3) The Allied Ermine (4) The Funereal Ermine (5) The Sooty Ermine (6) The Curtesian (7) The Messingiellian (8) The Annulated (9) The Chequered Hook-tip (10) The Narrow-winged Veneer. 58. (1) The Dark-veined Long-wing (2) The Steinkellneian (3) The Thumbergian (4) The Long-horned (5) The Rare Exaeretia (6) The Alstroemeian (7) The Powdered Grey (8) The Sub-cinereous (9) The Dingy Straw (10) The Rare Cleodora (11) The Lobster-clawed (12) The Robertsonian Anarsia. 59. (1) The Long-winged (2) The Dingy Streak (3) The Durdhamian (4) The Parenthesis (5) The Light Streak (6) The Geoffreyian (7) The Christiernian (8) The Olivierian (9) The Woodian (10) The Four-spotted (11) The White Shouldered (12) The Great Raven-feather (13) The Latreillian. 60. (1) The Granitellian (2) The Brown Copper (3) The Fuesslian (4) The Dentellated Aechmia (5) The Small Shining Brown (6) The Satin Pigmy (7) The Ocnerostomellian (8) The Gold I.W. (9) The Slight-barred (10) The Pine Ocneostoma (11) The Small Ochreous Zelleia. 61. (1) The Confluent-barred (2) The Obscure-streaked (3) The White-spotted Brown (4) The Lead-coloured (5) The Sluggish Bedellia (6) The Nonpareil (7) The Poplar Border (8) The Yellow V (9) The Hook-tipped (10) The Little Black (11) The Linnaean (12 & 13) The Roesellian (14) The Dalean Asychna (15) The Narrow-winged (16) The Four-spotted Gold (17) The Albin's Elachista (18) The Red Feather (19) The Hazel Red (20) The Tawny Treble-bar (21) The Clerckian (22) The Simple Dot (23) The Gold Dot (24) The Eared (25) The Elm (26) The Pigmy Trifurcula (27) The Creamy Pigmy (28) The Plumeless Plume (29) The Rose Plume (30) The Caterpillar of same (31) The Chrysalis of same (32) The Large White Plume (33) The Many-left Plume (34) The Caterpillar of same (35) The Chrysalis of same (36) The Caterpillar of the Citron Plume (37) The Chrysalis of same (38) The Caterpillar of the Common Plume (39) The Chrysalis of same. 62. (1) The Reed Leopard (2) The Plumed Prominent (3) The Caterpillar of same (4) The Dusky Marbled Brown (5) The Figure-of-Eight Moth (6) The Long-horned (7) The Orange V Moth (8) The Caterpillar of same (9) The New Scarlet Tiger Moth.