SPL Hand Coloured Rare Book Collection Featuring Norman R Bobins

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ADAM, Jean-Victor-Vincent.
Suite de 24 lithographies en couleurs sur le cheval.

Paris: Aumont Jnr, Bulla fils & Francois Delarme [1837-1839].
Beraldi XIXe; Mennassier; Bobins 1170.
Paris: Aumont Jnr, Bulla fils & Francois Delarme [1837-1839].

Oblong folio, 24 large plates, all depicting horses, several ridden by horsemen of various nationalities, all contained within an album of contemporary 1/4 calf-backed boards, with gilt to spine and boards. Adams's images of horses could almost be described as portraits for the strength and individual animation he puts into them. His name deserves pride of place in any bibliography of equine works. His work represents all breeds, from Boulonais to pure breeds. Adams has some detractors; it has been written that his anatomy of his horses are too imprecise or even fantastic; their elegance is often obtained by the exaggeration of the vertebrae and the attachment of the head and shoulder. This has been said to be the weakest point of his compositions. However, it should be added that Adam was considered to excel in his studies of persons of other nationalities, including Turks, whom he depicted as grooms in a few of these plates to great effect. Coloured plates in order: 1. La Noblesse. 2. La Magistrature. 3. Le Clerge. 4. La Bourgeoisie. 5. L'Europe. 6. L'Asie. 7. L'Afrique. 8. L'Amerique. 9. Chasse au Tigre. 10. Chasse au Sanglier. 11. Chase a la Lionne. 12. Chasse a l'Ours. 13. Cavalerie legere. Lanciers 1839. 14. Cavalerie de Reserve. Cuirassiers 1839. 15. Cavalerie de Ligne. Dragons 1839. 16. Arme speciale. Artillerie 1837. 17. Premieres Lecons donnees par la nature. 18. Operation du Nictagre de la queue du cheval pour la mettre a l'anglaise. 19. Le Marchand de cheveau. Prix 6,000 Fr. 20. L'Emploi du Cheval. 21. La Terre. 22. L'Eau. 23. Le Feu. 24. L'Air.