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Nilbilder auf seine Reise durch Aegypten nach der Natur aufgenommen.
- Published
- Hamburg: Dorling, [1871-75].
- References
- Blackmer 1947; Hilmy II, 324; Bobins 169.
- Plates
- 24
- Binding/Size
- XL=elephant folio
- Value
- 0-5000
- Published
- Hamburg: Dorling, [1871-75].
- Ref
- 5724
FIRST EDITION. Folio, 24 chromolithographed plates by G.W. Seitz, mounted on card, in original red ornately gilt cloth portfolio, with a gilt vignette emblem of the Sphinx to centre of upper board, morocco-backed, all preserved in modern 1/4 maroon morocco and cloth box. Blackmer does not mention this German edition. Werner was a Professor at the Academy of Leipzig. Werner traveled to the Levant in 1862-64 and again around 1870. The first journey was mostly to the Holy Land; the second journey was to Egypt in the main. Werner planned a similar work on Athens, but it never seems to have appeared (although Blackmer states two plates for this work were seen.) As well as street scenes in Cairo, there are Nile views and the Temple of Philae, among others. Coloured plates not in order: 1. Grabmal des Schech Ababde in Minieh. 2. Der Isistempel auf Philae. 3. Die Memnonen. 4. Die Pyramiden von Giseh. 5. Assuan. 6. Ansicht der Insel Philae. 7. Inneres einer Grabkammer in El-Kab. 8. Die Tempel von Luqsor. 9. Die Chalifengraber von Kairo. 10. Nilufer bei Achmim. 11. Ruinen des Tempels von Karnak. 12. Tempelhof von Medinet-Habu. 13. Die Tempelruinen von Kum-Ombo. 14. Strassenleben in Kairo. 15. Bazar in Gireh. 16. Nilufer bei Beni-Sueff. 17. Barbirladen in Achmim. 18. Kaffeehaus in Kairo. 19. Die löwenköpfigen Statuen der Ägyptischen Artemis zu Karnak. 20. Kairo vom Norden aus Gesehen. 21. Geldwechsler in Esneh. 22. Mirjam, Enkelin des alten Kustoden Abdallah auf Philae. 23. Bandweber in Esneh. 24. Kubisches Kind.