SPL Hand Coloured Rare Book Collection Featuring Norman R Bobins

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SOLVYNS, Baltazar.
Les Hindous ou la Description de leurs Moeurs, Coutumes et Ceremonies.

Paris: Chez l'Auteur, de Imprimerie de Mame Freres, 1808-12.
Brunet V, 432; Colas 2767; Bobins 271.
Paris: Chez l'Auteur, de Imprimerie de Mame Freres, 1808-12.

Large folio, 4 volumes, originally issued in 48 parts, 288 engraved hand-coloured plates, some double-page, plus four engraved titles. In contemporary green, half straight-grained morocco over marbled boards, uncut. The boards and spine have been professionally repaired— bookplate of the previous owner to front pastedown. Text leaves in French and English. The images are lively and well-executed, showing the costumes and customs of the Hindous. An uncommon work. Solvyns was an ex-sea captain from Belgium who immersed himself in the Hindou way of life. The plates show fidelity and honesty, which is rarely found in portrayals of foreigners by Europeans at this time. Facial expressions, attitudes of figures, costumes, and occupations are shown with incredible accuracy. This work was used as a source for many other works on the Hindous. Made up of 12 parts, this work in its original form appeared etched by Solvyns in Calcutta on handmade paper. Coloured plates in order: Volume 1. 1. Title page. 2. Mohabaurut-er-Shobha or the explaining of the text and commentaries of the Mohabaurut by a Brahmun (double page). 3. Sroterys Brahmuns. 4. Kanoge Brahmun. 5. Drawers Brahmuns. 6. Brijbasis Brahmuns. 7. Ooriahs or Orissahs Brahmuns. 8. Rhaumien-Gauyin. Brahmuns chanting the exploits of Rheum (double page). 9. Rajah Hindoo Prince at his Prayers. 10. Rajah in full dress. 11. K'huttery Landholder. 12. Byce Merchant. 13. Soodder Servant. 14. Hurry-Sung-Kertun (double page). 15. Dybuck, Astronomer. 16. B'haut Puffer, Flatterer. 17. Byde, Physician. 18. Causto, Writer. 19. Joogee, Cloth-Merchant, Weaver. 20. Raush-Jatrah. Celebration of the Loves of Kistna (double page). 21. Nauhyr, Milkseller, Milkman. 22. Chassa-Dobas. Rice-Threshers. 23. Chassah-Khyberts. Gardeners. 24. Augrys. Ploughmen. 25. Berate. Cultivator of pawn. 26. D'jolen Jatrah, Swinging of Kistna (double page). 27. Tantys. Weavers. 28. Tchankarys. Workers of shells. 29. Koumars. Smiths (or Blacksmiths). 30. Qomars. Potters. 31. Kansauris. Copper-Smiths. 32. Routh-Jatrah. Procession of the Gods in their car (double page). 33. Sonar-Bunnyas. Money-changers. 34. Hulwyes. Pastry-cooks. 35. Mayras. Confectioners. 36. Gund Bunnyas. Grocers. 37. Tillys. Retailers. 38. Chaun-Jatrah. Celebration of the Bath of Juggernaut (double page). 39. Palanquin Carriers of the Ooriah Cast. 40. Carriers of the Rowanny Cast. 41. Doolees, or Carriers of the cast of Bengalees. 42. Jellees, or Carriers of the cast of Fishermen. 43. Gwallahs. Cow-herds. 44. Dole-Jatrah. Celebration of the Orgies of Kistna (double page). 45. Rajpoots. 46. Rauwuts. 47. Brijbasis, a Hindoo Tribe. 48. Sics, a Hindoo Tribe. 49. Mahrattas, a Hindoo Tribe. 50. Basso-Jun. The throwing the images of the Gods into the water (double page). 51. Maulys, Flowermen. 52. Chooters. Carpenters. 53. Dobys. Washermen. 54. Dandys. Boatmen. 55. Jelle-As. Fishermen. 56. J'haump. Hindoes throwing themselves on Knives and Swords (double page). 57. Koalhoos. Oilmen. 58. Kapaulys. Rope-makers. 59. Chunharys. Preparers of fine Lime. 60. Soonrees. Manufacturers and Dealers in Wine. 61. Seulys. Makers of Toddy. 62. Nila-Pooja. Various expiations of the Hindoos (double page). 63. Nauys. Shaving barbers. 64. Kawns. Hindi Singers. 65. Mauls. Snake-catchers. 66. Puttooas. Painters. 67. Doams. Basket-makers. 68. Churrack-Pooja. Hindoes swinging in expiation of their sins double page). 69. Poads. A low class of Servants. 70. Mooches. Tanners, Shoe-makers. 71. Haurys. Nightmen. 72. Moorda-Shoos. Undertakers, removers of Corpses. 73. Kawras. Hog-keepers. Volume 2. 74. Title page. 75. Hindi buildings (double page). 76. A rank of Hindoo in his undress. 77. A Hindoo of inferior rank. 78. A Hindoo of the lowest rank. 79. Behalee-a, the primitive Hindoo soldier. 80. The Chourti, another sort of dress. 81. Nautch. A Hindoo dance. 82. A Woman of distinction. 83. A Woman of inferior rank. 84. A Woman of low rank. 85. Gallon. Milk-woman. 86. Agooree, a proscribed Woman. 87. Durgah-Poojah (double page). 88. A woman in full dress. 89. Ramjanny, a dancing girl. 90. Hidgra, an Hermaphrodite. 91. Seapoys. Soldiers. 92. Baulk, a dancing boy. 93. A View of the Pagoda of Calleegaut (double page). 94. Purrum-hungse, Penitent. 95. Dundee, another sort of Faquir. 96. Soonassee. 97. Beeshnub. A devotee. 98. Nanuk-punthy. 99. Ooddoobahoos and other Faquirs (double page). 100. Ab'dhoot, a penitent naked. 101. Ramanundy. A devotee of the God Ram. 102. Bermacharry. Another sort of devotee. 103. Naugus. Another kind of Faquirs. 104. A faquir at his prayers. 105. Behaho, or marriage (double page). 106. Sunk & G'unta, musical instruments. 107. Kunser. Another instrument. 108. Tumboora. 109. Kuplyans, or Been. 110. Pennauck. 111. Jaupaun, or Munsah Poojah (double page). 112. Sittar, or Guittar. 113. Saringee. 114. Sarinda. 115. Omorti. 116. Oorni. 117. Saupereah. Snake catchers (double page). 118. D'hauck. 119. D'hola. 120. Khole, or Mirden. 121. D'holuk. 122. Tubla. 123. Shoho-Gomon. A Woman burning herself with the corpse of her husband (double page). 124. Joorghaje, a musical instrument. 125. Tichora, a musical instrument. 126. Pucwauz. 127. Nagra. 128. Kaura. 129. Onnoo-Gomon, or Onnoo-Mutah. The wife burning herself with some of her husband's property (double page). 130. Dump. 131. Doyra. 132. Jugo, Jhumpo. 133. Surmungla. 134. K'hunjery. 135. Shoho-Gomon. A Woman leaping into the flames to the corpse of her husband (double page). 136. Kurtaul. 137. Kaunsy. 138. Jultrung. 139. Munjeerah. 140. J'haunjree. 141. Choho-Gomon. The wife of a Hindoo buried alive (double page). 142. Ramsinga. 143. Baunck. 144. Soorna. 145. Tobrie. 146. Bunsee. Volume 3. 147. Title page. 148. North-Wester (double page) [Maritime plate] . 149. A Pinnace or Yatch. 150. Feal-Chara. 151. Moor-Punker. 152. Budgerow. 153. Baawalee-a. 154. The coming in of the Baum or Boar (double page). 155. Pettoo-a. 156. Pansway. 157. Khela or Loll Dingee. 158. Dingee. 159. Muga-Chara. 160. Poulo Penang (double page). 161. Dony. 162. Jellee-a Dingee. 163. Seringee. 164. Ekgachee. 165. Gunga. 166. View of Ballasore Roads (double page). 167. Grab. 168. Bangles. 169. Pataily. 170. Kautry. 171. Balaum. 172. Ferry, or passage on the Ganges (double page). 173. Brig. 174. Wolack. 175. Kose. 176. Pulsar. 177. Hola. 178. Gunga-Jatra, or Mullo-Pray. Hindoos Dying (double page). 179. Sloop. 180. Towboat. 181. Burr. 182. Gudwaree. 183. Yet Dingee. 184. Elephants and Camels (double page). 185. Ruth, or Chariot. 186. Gary. 187. Ekka. 188. Rahhoo. 189. Hackery. 190. Bengali Road (double page). 191. Chowpaul. 192. J'halledar. 193. Mohafa. 194. Dooly. 195. Ladoo-Byle. 196. The Black Town at Calcutta (double page). 197. Horse richly caparisoned and a Tattou. 198. Mejanah. 199. Long Palanquin. 200. Boutcha. 201. Another sort of Palanquin. 202. School (double page). 203-206. [Assorted] Narwal Hooka(s). 207. Chillum. 208. Hindi Bazaar (double page). 209. Snake Hooka. 210. Gourgoury Hooka. 211. Cullyaun Hooka. 212. Cheroot. 213. Pawn. 214. European buildings at Calcutta (double page). 215. Hindoes conversations. 216. Jugglers. 217. Punches and other games. 218. Of the Nations most known in Hindoostan. 219. Vessels of all sorts. Volume 4. 220. Title page. 221. Bannyan. 222. Sircar. 223. Jummadar. 224. Chaubdar. 225. Soonta Burdar. 226. Khaunsamaun. 227. Durwan. 228. Serdar. 229. Kidmudgar. 230. Hooka-Burdar. 231. Kherch-Burdar. 232. Chowry-Burdar. 233. B'heesty, Waterman. 234. Doby, Washerman. 235. Maukkun-Walla. 236. Booty-Walla. 237. Durzee, Taylor. 238. Clashy. 239. Coachman. 240. Syce, Groom. 241. Gassyara. 242. Mushauljee. Linckboy. 243. Doorea. 244. Chokeedar. 245. Hircarah. 246. Peadah. 247. Baulber. 248. Hajaum. 249. Aubdar. 250. Bawerchee, Cook. 251. Mater. 252. Corah-Burdar. 253. Ayah. 254. Another Ayah. 255. Dye, Nurse. 256. Materanny. 257. The Tamarind Tree. 258. The Mango Tree. 259. The Jac Tree. 260. The Coco and other Palm Trees. 261. The Banana Tree. 262. The Bambou Tree. 263. Rice. 264. The Sugar Cane. 265. Mustard. 266. Cotton. 267. Indigo. 268. Cochineal. 269. The Buffalo. 270. The Tiger. 271. Ourang-Outang. 272. The Guenou. 273. The Jachal. 274. The Bengal Dog. 275. Crocodile. 276. Serpent. 277. Another species of Serpent. 278. Scolopender, or Centipede. 279. Musk Rat. 280. Topsy Matchi. 281. The Old Man, or a bird of prey. 282. Vulture. 283. Miope. 284. The Fox-Bat. 285. Kankalat. 286. Cariar. 287. Heads. Hindoos of the First Cast. Braumun. (2 figs) 288. Heads. Hindoos of the Second Cast. Cuttery. (2 figs) 289. Heads. Hindoos of the Third Cast. Byce. (2 figs) 290. Heads. Hindoos of the Fourth Cast. Soodder. (2 figs) 291. Inhabitants of Upper Hindoostan. (2 figs) 292. A Mogul, Man, and Woman.