SPL Hand Coloured Rare Book Collection Featuring Norman R Bobins

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7087 - M/L 50.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial Postage Stamps.

A wonderful worldwide memorial tribute album to the tragically assassinated 35th US president John F. Kennedy.

USA, 1960's
43 pages
USA, 1960's

As befits a memorial stamp album the covers are black with faded gilt lettering and motif to front cover and to the spine. The front cover is also ruled in blind. Brown endpapers. There is a lovely head and shoulders portrait of Kennedy with his facsimile signature and his famous quote from his inauguration speech "ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." Each stamp page is headed with an oval portrait of JFK along side a vignette of the White House, and the lettering 'Postal Issues Honoring John Fitzgerald Kennedy 35th President of the United States'. Each stamp, or set of stamps, comes with a caption or a description. There is a decorative tri-coloured border with Kennedy's famous quote below the stamps. Countries paying tribute to Kennedy are: 1. USA. 2. Mexico. 3. Togo. 4. Bahamas. 5. Colombia. 6. Costa Rica. 7. Ajman (UAE). 8. Bhutan. 9. Ecuador. 10. Dominican Republic. 11. Cameroon. 12. Central African Republic. 13. Chad. 14. Mali. 15. Republic of Congo. 16. D.R. Congo. 17. Cyprus. 18. Dubai. 19. Fujeira (UAE). 20. Gabon. 21. Invory Coast. 22. Honduras. 23. Guinea. 24. Jordan. 25. Yemen. 26. Liberia. 27. The Maldives. 28. Nicaragua. 29. Mauritania. 30. Niger.