SPL Hand Coloured Rare Book Collection Featuring Norman R Bobins

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[ALBRECHT, Prinz von Preussen, (Frederich-Heinrich)].
Im Kaukasus, 1862.

The fine colour plates mainly portray the costumes of the Caucasian people, as well as uniforms and scenic views of Pyatigorsk, Tbilisi and Baku. Albrecht von Preußen (1809-72) was the younger brother of two Prussian kings, Friedrich Wilhelm IV and Wilhelm I (later German Emperor, Kaiser). Thanks to the friendly relationship between Russia and Prussia, he was invited in 1862 to take part in Russia's military endeavours in the Caucasus, including those against the Circassians. Here he collaborated with the celebrated artist Theodor Horschelt, who travelled from Baku to Yerevan in September 1862 before leaving for St. Petersburg in January 1863.

Berlin: A.W. Hayn, 1862.
Not in Abbey or Miansarov; Colas 53; Lipperheide 1386; Bobins 178.
Berlin: A.W. Hayn, 1862.

2 vols; 4to text and oblong folio atlas of plates, text vol: chromolithographed title, preface, index, 603pp., text decorated with three vignettes, one map, 30 chromolithograph plates, 2 maps. Folio atlas: original wrapper serving as a title, 11 chromolithograph plates all in original white parchment, Russian Imperial Eagles in gilt to boards, all edges gilt. Boards rubbed and worn. These plates show an army lying 'in the wild' and represents, in greater part, Caucasian costume, many of a Military nature. An attractive and scarce work. Coloured plates in order: Quarto volume. 1. Title page. 2. Linien-Kosbacken vom Kuba. 3. Pjatigorsk. Badeort. 4. Das Kurhaus in Pjatigorsk. Badeort. 5. Kabardinze. 6. Kosacken Wacht-Posten Ssumaiskaja. In der Steppe. 7. Poststation Lars, Eingang in den Darial Pass. 8. Kloster bei Mzchett. 9. Saridze. Fuhrer der Escorte des Statthalters im Kaukasus, 1862. 10. Panorama von Tiflis. 11. Tiflis mit den Ruinen der alten Festung. 12. Tschetschenze. 13. Die St. Georgenkirche in Tiflis. 14. Heffsuren im Daghestan an der Lesghinischen Gebirgskette. 15. Blick auf den Berg Kondor. 16. Eine Russische Milizair-Station im Kaukasus. 17. Palais des Khan's von Nucha. 18. Post-Station Turiantfchaiskaja. 19. Kaufmann's Frau in Schemacha. 20. Baku am Kaspischen Meere. 21. Blick auf den Ararat aus dem Pallast des Serra von Erevan. 22. Imeretier. 23. Junger Imeretischer Furst. 24. Gora, Landhaus und Faltenhof des Fürsten Eristoff. 25. Gurier. 26. Soldaten des Apscheronschen Infanterie-Regiments Sr. Kaiser. Hoheit des Großfürsten Georg Michailowitsch im Winterfeldzüge 1862. 27. Maikopp am Flusse Belaja. Wohnung des Oberstlieutnant von Bunting. 28. Der Ochotnick Bagenuick, gennant: der Tapfere! 29. Zelt des Hochst-Commandirenden auf der Expedition des Dacho'schen Detachements zur Pschecha. 30. Astachoff. Urjadnik des Kosacken-Regiments Mosdock. [Large folding map] Special-karte der Gegend zwischen Maikopp und der Pschecha zur Erläuterung der Militärischen Operation und Arbeiten des Dacho'schen Detachements, 1862. [Large folding map] Wege-Karte zu einer reise durch Kaukasier im Jahre 1862. Folio volume. [Captions in pencil - hard to read] 1. Two soldiers in a treetop lookout. 2. A group of soldiers singing to music around a campfire. 3. Soldiers and commanders constructing traps on a rocky cliff-face. 4. Armed families on the road on horseback and with their animals, etc. 5. An army making a strategic river crossing. 6. Army officers being driven around narrow mountain passes by teams of horses and carriages. 7. Families stop by a roadside and set up camp; people dance, sing, cook, and a man shaves a tiny infant's head. 8. Soldiers look to be rounding up wild horses while officers give commands from the rear of a carriage. 9. A group of soldiers looks, listens, and tries to advance to take enemy positions at dawn. 10. Opposing, armed soldiers on horseback fight each other in Erevan.