SPL Hand Coloured Rare Book Collection Featuring Norman R Bobins

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ANBUREY, Sir Thomas.
Hindoostan Scenery consisting of twelve Select Views in India drawn on the Spot by Thos. Anburey...

London: The Author, [1798-99].
Godrej & Rohatij Scenic Splendours, p.147; not in the usual bibliographies; Bobins 1102.
London: The Author, [1798-99].

FIRST EDITION. Large folio, 12 hand-coloured aquatint plates by Francis Jukes, after sketches by Anburey, on guards throughout, in a modern dark maroon half morocco gilt over marbled boards and sides by Aquarius, matching title label to upper board. A scarce set of views. Anburey of the Bengal Engineers made sketches while surveying a route in 1792 and 1793. His party started from Seringapatam, journeying through Mysore and continuing northwards into the Cuddapah district. Here they moved through the Gundecotta Pass, a deep gorge of the Penner River, and on to Bundelkhand before reaching Kolpi on the Jumna. Guandacotta was the centre of the triangle formed by Banaganapill, Anantapur, and Caddapah Gandikota, or Gorgefort, believed founded in 1123 AD. In 1819, at the end of the 3rd Mahattra War, the Bengal Sappers and Miners were raised at Allahabad by Capt. Thomas Anburey. Their first combat experience was at Bhuratapore in 1825, winning their first battle honours in 1826. "By October 1793, Anburey has decided to publish a selection of his sketches. The Calcutta Gazette announced a list of subjects and invited subscriptions. In 1799 the book was published by Anburey himself in London. The set contains four views of the Gundecotta Pass, the Fort of Golconda near Hyderabad, and Kalpi. One of the several scenes of Hyderabad shows the Musi River, and the City walls along its banks. The picturesque qualities of the prints with delicate shades of watercolour convey nothing of the rigours as experienced by the army during its long march" (Godrej & Rohatgi). Coloured plates in order: 1. Ruins of Baugnee-ghur near Hyderabad. 2. Northern Entrance of Gundecotta Pass. 3. View within the Northern Entrance of Gundecotta Pass. 4. Torre Futtapoor, a fort in Bundlecund. 5. View of Kalpy on the Jumna. 6. Southern Entrance of Gundecotta Pass. 7. Mahore, a fortress belonging to Nizam Ally. 8. North East View of Hydrabad. 9. View of Mola Aly near Hydrabad. 10. Neermul, a Fortress belonging to Nizam Ally. 11. View of Golconda from a Range of Rocks West of it. 12. View within the Southern Entrance of Gundecotta Pass.