SPL Hand Coloured Rare Book Collection Featuring Norman R Bobins

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AUBRY, Charles.
Chasses Anciennes d’après les Manuscrits des XIV & XVe Siècles.

Fine series of 12 original lithographs showing hunting scenes such as made Aubry famous as an artist: hunting boars, deer, wolves, foxes, and hares, as well as falconry, hunting with dogs, and hunting antelopes, gazelles, elephants, and lions (under Charles the Great).

Paris: Charles Motte, 1837.
Thiébaud, Bibliographie des ouvrages français sur la chasse, col. 48 ; Souhart, Bibliographie générale des ouvrages sur la chasse, col. 28 ; Lipperheide n°3031 ; Jeanson n°1570 ; Schwerdt, I, pp. 47-48
Paris: Charles Motte, 1837.

[Ancient Hunts according to the Manuscripts of the XIV & XVth Centuries.] Large folio [510 x 375 mm] with 12 numbered plates. Bound in red half-calf, spine ribbed and decorated and titled in gilt, top edge gilt, marbled boards, and endpapers, illustrated wrappers bound in. Binding signed by Saulnier. In good condition. RARE ORIGINAL EDITION AND FIRST ISSUE OF THIS OUTSTANDING SET OF LITHOGRAPHS DEPICTING HUNTING SCENES IN DIFFERENT TIMES AND ENVIRONMENTS. All signed by Charles Aubry. “Copies with coloured plates are rare” (Thiébaud). This is a beautiful example of this RARE set of hunting scenes, with the elegantly illustrated wrappers bound in. Excepting this one, to the best of my knowledge, no other copy in contemporary colouring has appeared on the public market this past thirty-five years. I can only locate one copy of this very rare work among the French public Institutions: The B.n.F. Coloured plates in order: [Title page] 1. Une St. Hubert 2. Chasse au Sanglier. 3. Chasse au Cerf. 4. Chasse de l'Antilope au Leopard. 5. La Chasse du Loup... 6. Chasse au Falcon. 7. Chasse au Lieve a Force. 8. Des Chiens Courans. 9. Chasse de Gazelles. 10. Sous Charlemagne. 11. Chasse de l'Autruche et de l'Elephant. 12. Chasse au Renard.