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BLAGDON, Francis William.
William Daniell, Francis Swain Ward and James Hunter.
A Brief History of Ancient and Modern India From the Earliest Periods of Antiquity to the termination of the late Mahratta War [title to letterpress] [WITH] Picturesque Scenery in the Kingdom of Mysore [AND] Twenty Four Views in Hindostan.
- Published
- London: Edward Orme, 1802-1805 [but ca. 1828]
- References
- Abbey Travel II 425 (cf. 424); cf. Lipperheide 1478; cf. Tooley (1954) 93 & 275, Bobins 224.
- Plates
- 68
- Binding/Size
- Value
- 25001-100000
- Published
- London: Edward Orme, 1802-1805 [but ca. 1828]
- Ref
- 5683
Large folio, hand-coloured stipple engraved portrait frontispiece of Tippoo Sultan, two hand-coloured engraved pictorial additional titles, hand-coloured stipple-engraved folding plate of “Judges and Court Officials,” and 64 hand-coloured aquatint plates, polished half calf over marbled boards, spine ornately gilt in compartments, a label on upper board. [BOUND WITH] William Daniell and Colonel Francis Ward’s Twenty-Four Views in Hindostan [AND] James Hunter’s Picturesque Scenery in the Kingdom of Mysore. These were initially published separately, then in parts 1802-1805, and then as one volume from 1805. Blagdon was a journalist and author. His Brief History of Ancient and Modern India came out in 3 x quarto volumes. It was reissued in 1813 as an appendix to Captain Thomas Williamson’s European in India and in 1806. He was responsible for several other publications. Later, after coming into conflict with William Cobbett, he published a prospectus of Blagdon’s Weekly Political Register, which was to be in the style of Cobbett’s Register, but it never seems to have appeared. There is another issue of this work in this collection with two parts by Hunter and Blagdon). Coloured plates in order: 1. Frontispiece. 2. The Native Judges and Officers of the Court of the Recorder. Bombay (6 figs) (folding plate) Twenty-Four Views in Hindostan. 3. Frontispiece. 4. The Palace of the late Nabob of Arcot. 5. A view from the King's Barracks, Fort St. George. 6. A view of part of St. Thome Street, Fort St. George. 7. A view in the North Street of Fort St. George. 8. Fort Square, from the South side of the Parade, Fort St. George. 9. A view within the walls of a Pagoda, Madras. 10. South East view of the rock of Tritchinopoly. 11. A Choultry. A place of worship carved out of rock... 12. A view of Ossoore. 13. Thebet Mountains. 14. West Gate of Firoz Sha's Cotillah, Delhi. 15. Anchshur, a Vakeel's Castle, in the Territory of Bengal. 16. A Pagoda. 17. A Hindoo Place of Worship. 18. Dalmow, on the Ganges. 19. Fortress of Gwallior. 20. The Old Court House, Calcutta. 21. The Bridge at Juonpore, Bengal. 22. Distant view of Mootee Thurna, a Waterfall in the Rajemahl Hills, Bengal. 23. Multura Fort. 24. The Tomb of a Moorish Lady, Bengal. 25. The Burial Place of a Peer Zada, Anopther. 26. Felicity Hall, the late residence of the Hon. David Anstruther, near Moorshedabad, Bengal. 27. Kuttull Minor, Delhi. Picturesque Scenery in the Kingdom of Mysore. 28. Frontispiece. Tippoo Sultan. 29. Seringapatam. 30. Hyder Ally's Tomb, Seringapatam. 31. A Mosque at Seringapatam. 32. Music Gallery at the entrance of the Mosque, Seringapatam. 33. Garden Gate, Laul Baugh, Seringapatam. 34. Hyder Ally Khan's own Family Tomb, at Colar. 35. East view of Bangalore, with the Cypress Garden, from a Pagoda. 36. North front of Tippoo's Palace, Bangalore. 37. West front of Tippoo's Palace, Bangalore. 38. A Street leading to the Palace of Bangalore. 39. The Square and entrance into Tippoo's Palace, Bangalore. 40. North entrance of Tippoo's Palace at Bangalore. 41. The Mysore Gate at Bangalore. 42. The North entrance into the fort of Bangalore. 43. The Delhi Gate of Bangalore. 44. The South entrance into the fort of Bangalore. 45. The Third Delhi Gate of Bangalore. 46. A Moorish Mosque at Bangalore. 47. A view of Mount St. Thomas, near Madras. 48. The Royal Artillery Encampment, Arcot. 49. A Pagoda at Strupermador. 50. A Mosque at Strupermador. 51. A view on the road at Strupermador. 52. Overflowing of the Tank, at Strupermador. 53. A view of Ouscottah from an Eadgah. 54. Killader's Tomb, Ouscottah. 55. Kistnaghurry. 56. East view of Kistnaghurry. 57. N.W. angle of Osar. 58. South East angle of Osar. 59. North view of Shole Ghurry. 60. East view of Shole Ghurry, from the Camp at Arnee. 61. Ourry Durgam, the head of the pass into the Barrah Mauhl. 62. A view in the Barrah Mauhl. 63. A view from the Royal Artillery Encampment, Conjeveram. 64. A view from the Royal Artillery Encampment, Conditore. 65. A view of Ootra Droog. 66. Nabobs Choultry & Tank, at Conjeveram. 67. A house at Bankipore, the residence of William Hunter Esq. 68. Commillah, late the residence of John Buller Esq.