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Narrative of a Five Years' Expedition Against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam in Guiana on the Wild Coast of South America from the Years 1772 to 1777. Elucidating the History of that Country & Describing its Productions, viz. Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles
The book is an account of the slave rebellion in Dutch Guiana, 1772-1777. Sabin 91075 called this one of the richest contemporary accounts of plantation society in the Americas. DNB notes that Stedman's narrative is one of the most vivid indictments of slavery. The author emerges as a most interesting and sympathetic character. As Lowndes rightly says the book is as entertaining as a romance.
- Published
- London: J. Johnson & Th. Payne, 1806, 1813.
- References
- Abbey Travel II 719; Bobins I 27; Sabin 91075.
- Plates
- 80
- Binding/Size
- M=4to
- Value
- 0-5000
- Published
- London: J. Johnson & Th. Payne, 1806, 1813.
- Ref
- 1447
Illustrated with 76 elegant hand-coloured copper engravings from drawings made by the author and engraved by William Blake, Bartolozzi, and others. Two identical engraved titles, three folding maps, and one folding panoramic view, all with tissue guards. 2 volumes, small 4to, handsomely rebound in 3/4 tan crushed morocco, green leather spine labels, marbled boards. Second corrected edition. A near fine copy with wide margins and spotless plates in a handsome binding. John Gabriel Stedman (1744-1797) was a distinguished officer in the Scots Brigade In Holland and a British Dutch soldier and noted author who volunteered for service against the Negroes in Dutch Guiana. His first-hand observation and depiction of slavery and other aspects of colonisation became an essential tool in the abolitionist cause. He described all aspects of natural life in this South American colony. First published in 1796, the unsold copies of the second edition [of 1806] were issued with a new title page in 1813. Coloured plates in order: Volume 1. 1. Frontispiece. "From different Parents, different Climes we came..." 2. A Map of Guiana &c by J.G. Stedman 3. The Harangus Volans, or Flying Fish / The Dorado, or Dolphin of the Moderns. 4. View of the Constable Rocks, off Cayenne, from N.E. / The Saw Fish & part of the Head reversed. 5. A Female Negro Slave with a Weight chained to her Ankle. 6. The Fruit called Avoira / The Shaddock Apple. 7. A Map of Surinam. 8. A Coromantyn Free Negro, or Ranger, armed. 9. Joanna. 10. Sprig of the Tamarind Tree. 11. View of the Estate Alkmaar, on the River Commewine / Representation of a Tent Boat, or Plantation Barge. 12. A Negro hung alive by the Ribs to a Gallows. 13. The Toucan & the Fly-catcher. 14. A private Marine of Col. Fourgeoud's Corps. 15. View & Plan of the Fortress called Amsterdam. 16. The Leguana or Iguana Lizard of Guiana / The Alligator or Cayman of Surinam. 17. The Ai, & the Unan; or the Sheep & Dog Sloth. 18. View of the Post Devil's Harwar; on Rio Cottica / The Armed Barges, commanded by Capt. Stedman. 19. The Mecoo & Kishee Kishee Monkeys. 20. The skinning of the Aboma Snake, shot by Capt. Stedman. 21. The Blue & Yellow & the Amazon Macaw. 22. Group of Negros, as imported to be sold for Slaves. 23. Sprig of the Cotton Tree. 24. The Armadillo & Porcupine of Guiana. 25. The Skulls of Lieut. Leppar; & Six of his Men. 26. Thr Manicole & the Cocoa-Nut Tree. 27. The Agamy & Powese or Peacock Pheasant. 28. The Military Post Vreedenburgh, at the Marawina / View of the three Encampments at the Wana Creek. 29. Azure blue Butterfly of South America. 30. View of the Town of Paramaribo, with the Road & Shipping from the opposite Shore (folding plate). 31. Plan of the Town of Paramaribo. 32. Female Quadroon Slave of Surinam. 33. The Bajew, or Stag of Guiana / The Wirrebocerra, or Small Deer. 34. The Sugar Cane, in its four different stages. 35. Flagellation of a Female Samboe Slave. 36. The Spur-winged Waterhen of Guiana / The Red Curlew of Surinam. 37. The Pingo Warree, or Wild Boar of Guiana / The Pecary, or Mexican Hog. 38. The Plantation Tree and the Banana. 39. Indian Family of the Carribee Nation. 40. Arms, Ornaments & Furniture of the Indians. Volume 2. 41. Frontispiece. The celebrated Graman Quacy. 42. View of L'Esperance, or the Hope, on the Commewine / View of Clarenbeek, on the River Commewine. 43. The Quato & Sacccawinkee Monkeys. 44. Sprig of the Arnotta, or Roucon Tree. 45. The Blue & Crimson Butterfly of South America / The Groo-groo, or Palm Tree Worms. 46. The Anamoe & Green Parrots of Guiana. 47. The Wood-Rat of Surinam / The Crabbodago, or Grisson. 48. The Fresh-water Fish called Dago-Fissee / The Rock Cod, or Newmara. 49. The Jagnar, or Tiger of Terra Firma / The Tiger Cat of Surinam. 50. A Surinam Planter in his Morning Dress. 51. The Mountain Cabbage & Maureecee Tree. 52. View of Magdenbergh, on Tempate Creek / View of Calays, & the Creek Caswinica. 53. Limes, Capsicum, Mammy Apple &c. 54. A Rebel Negro armed & on his guard. 55. Manner of Bush-fighting by the African Negroes / Graduation of Shades between Europe & Africa. 56. March thro' a swamp or marsh, in Terra-firma. 57. Plan of the Principal Field of Action between the Rivers Cottica and Marawina; with a Sketch of the manner of Encamping in the Woods of Surinam (folding map). 58. The Marine Oppossum of Terra-Firma / The Vampire or Spectre of Guiana. 59. The Agouti, or Indian Coney / The Paca, or Spotted Cavey. 60. The Tapir, or Hippopotamus of South America / The Manati, or Sea Cow of Guiana. 61. View of the Camp at the Java Creek / View of the Encampment at Jerusalem. 62. Indian Female of the Arrowauka Nation. 63. The Green Butterfly of South America / The Rattle Snake & Dypsas of Guiana. 64. Sprig of the Cocao, or Chocolate Tree. 65. The Musk Melon, Water Melon & Pine Apple. 66. The Humming Bird, with its nest &c. 67. Manner of catching Fish by the Spring-Hook / Manner of catching Fish by the Spring-Basket. 68. The Yellow Woodpecker & Wood-louse fowl. 69. Family of Negro Slaves from Loango. 70. Musical Instruments pf the African Negroes. 71. View of the Settlement called the Jew's Savannah / View of the Blue Bergh called Mount Parnassus. 72. The Execution of Breaking on the Rack. 73. Sprig of the Indigo Plant. 74. Manner of Sleeping in the Forest / Rural Retreat - The Cottage. 75. The Tamandua, & Coati-Mondi. 76. The Spoon Bill or Shoveler / The Jabiru, or Crane of Guiana. 77. Sprig of the Coffee Tree. 78. Plan of a regular Coffee Plantation. 79. The Shark & Remora. 80. Europe supported by Africa & America.