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KOTZEBUE, Otto von.
Entdeckungs-Reise in die Sud-See und nach der Berings Strasse zur Erforschung einer nordostlichen Durchfahrt...
"Important Russian exploration of the Northwest and California coasts" (Howes). On this voyage Kotzebue discovered Kotzebue Sound in Alaska, thinking, as he sailed east, that he had finally found the north-east passage. He gives an account of the visit of his ship to the Golden Gate in October 1816. Kotezebue also tells of meeting Chamisso, the naturalist, and gives a brief description of birds and fauna, and a sad picture of the the Indians at the work of the missions.
- Published
- Weimar: Gebrudern Hoffman, 1821.
- References
- Howes K258; Sabin 38264; Hill 943; Bobins 54.
- Plates
- 19
- Binding/Size
- S=8vo
- Value
- 0-5000
- Published
- Weimar: Gebrudern Hoffman, 1821.
- Ref
- 5360
[Voyage of discovery into the South Seas and to the Berings Strait to explore a northeastern passage...] FIRST EDITION. 3 vols in one. Quarto. Vol 1: frontispiece and double-page plate; Vol 2: frontispiece and 4 plates (3 double-page), map; Vol 3: frontispiece, 12 plates, two folding tables, 5 folding maps, all hand-coloured aquatint engraved. Half contemporary calf over paper-backed boards, gilt and orange title label to spine, rubbed and worn, coloured edges. Bookplate of 'Norman R Bobins' to front pastedown, also a pasted card reading "California Academy of Sciences. Received by Purchase 20896". Kotzebue visited Chile, Easter Island, the Marshall Islands, Hawaii, and the North American coast. This was a Russian expedition into the Pacific for scientific exploration sponsored by Count Romanzoff. Coloured plates in order: Volume 1. 1. Frontispiece. Abbildung der Bewohner des Kotzebue Sundes. 2. Die Eisberge des Kotzebue Sundes (double page). Volume 2. 1. Frontispiece. Rarick. 2. Tammeamea, König der Sandwich Inseln. 3. Ansicht von dem Königlichen Murai in der Bucht Ti-utatua auf der Insel O Waihi... (double page) 4. Das Innere eines Hauses der Inseln Radback. (double page) 5. Ansicht der Inseln Birick; zur Gruppe laden gehörig, in Radback. (double page) Volume 3. 1. Frontispiece. Cadu. 2. Papilo Rurikia / Papilo Kotzebuea (4 figs). 3. Papilo Chamissonia / Papilo Rumanzovia (3 figs). 4. Papilo Krusensternia / Papilo Ledelbouria (3 figs). 5. Papilo Astenous Male & Female (3 figs). 6. Vanessa Tammeamea / Cynthia Roselia / Apatura Rarick / Lycaena Schaeffera (6 figs). 7. Apatura Karaimoku / Eupolea Kadu / Pahia Boebera / Castnia Pallasia (6 figs). 8. Idea Abigar / Idea Manuja / Idea Plexippus... (6 figs). 9. Neptis Illigera / Acraea Claudina / Mechantis Meriana (6 figs). 10. Pontia Henningia / Pontia Olga / Pontia Mercedis (6 figs). 11. Colias Andrea / Hipparchia Stellera / Lycaena Cramera (6 figs). 12. Sphinx pungens / Zeuzera viridicans / Noctua bambucina (3 figs).