SPL Hand Coloured Rare Book Collection Featuring Norman R Bobins

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OVERMEER-FISSCHER, Johannes Frederik Van.
Bijdrage tot de kennis van het Japansche rijk.

With 15 finely hand-coloured plates, heightened with gum arabic, depicting Japanese costumes and scenes from daily life. Johannes van Overmeer Fisscher (1800-1848), a Dutch civil servant, stayed nine years in Deshima since his arrival in Japan in 1822. He made one court journey to the shogun of Japan at Edo. His charmingly illustrated 'Contribution to the knowledge of the Japanese empire' features observations and commentaries rooted in his own experience of the country when Japan was still closed to the outside world. He describes the various aspects of Japanese culture.

Amsterdam: Müller and Co, 1833.
Bobins I 300; Alt-Japan-Katalog 1098; Landwehr, Coloured Plates 385; Leeneman van der Kroe & JW IJntema, "[Review]", in: Vanderlandsche letteroefeningen jaargang 1835 (Amsterdam 1835), pp.637-46.
Amsterdam: Müller and Co, 1833.

[Contribution to the knowledge of the Japanese Empire.] Large 4vo. With 15 hand-coloured lithographed plates (including the frontispiece). VII, [3], 320 pp. Original red half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine, gilt raised bands to spine, title in gilt to spine, boards with lithographed decorative borders, and Japanese illustration in centre (bound by VOM RATH, Amsterdam). Extremities rubbed and worn. A fine work describing and illustrating Japanese daily life and customs by a former civil servant of Japan, Johannes (Jan) Frederik Overmeer Fisscher (1800 1848). ''Eene keurige schets van Japan (A fine description of Japan)'' (Van der Kroe en IJntema).Coming from Batavia, the author arrived in Japan in 1820 and also stayed on Deijima for several years. In this work, he includes extensive descriptions of his voyage from Batavia to Japan, a description of the Dutch ´factorij´, and his obligatory journey to the seat of power in Edo (Tokyo) in 1822. The plates include the Japanese creation myth with the first two Japanese men Foeke en Senno, a view of Mount Fuji incorporating a sketch of a map of Japan, two men cutting woodblocks for printing (of which one wearing glasses: an early sign of the Western culture), and the interior of a Japanese Budso temple. The binding is used and slightly soiled; hinges are weakening; some scattered foxing, especially on the first and last pages. An important work on Japan with manuscript dedication by the author to Mr. Van Eewijck, dated Amsterdam 1833, on recto first flyleaf. **An important work on Japan with a manuscript dedication by the author** Coloured plates in order: 1. Frontispiece. Foeke en Senno het eerste Japansche... 2. Eene schets van de kaart van Japan, met den vermaarden Foegieberg in het verschiet. 3. Het Japansch Alphabet met zogenaamde Katakane letters. 4. Tostokf-Samma, de God des Ouderdoms, met den vermaarden Wysgeer Zjirozjien. 5. Eene Japansche vrouw zittende aan eenetafel met hare tekengereedschappen. 6. De inwendige vertooning van eenen Japanschen Budso Tempel. 7. Minamoto no Jusits, een Japansch Veldheer. 8. Een Japanner met zyne vrouw in pleegt-gewaad, wordende door twee meisjes bediend. 8. Een troep Japansche Goochelaars en Muzikanten, hunne kunsten vertonende. 10. Juari Daij Miosin, de God van den Landbouw, als ook die der Vossen. 11. De Jougen wordt op zyn vyfde jaar met het complimentgeqaad versierd. 12. De Drukkunst of Houtsuede-beworking, voorgesteld door twee Japanners, die dit beroep uitoefenen. 13. De geliefkoosde uitspanning van een Japansch Gezelschap op het veld. 14. Een Japanner in zyn Asa Kamisimo of plegtgewaad. 15. Eene Japansche vrouw in hare gewone kleeding.