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CASTELNAU, Francis de and M. O. DES MURS.
Animaux nouveau ou rares recueillis pendant l'expedition dans les parties centrales de L'Amerique du Sud de Rio de Janeiro a Lima…..Oiseaux par M.O. des Murs
A famous expedition to a large part of South-America, of which Wood said that it was one of the most valuable contributions of its kind in all zoological literature. François de Castelnau (1810-1880) was a French naturalist and studied natural history under Cuvier and Saint Hilaire. The collection of hundreds of zoological specimens and 5,000-6,000 plant specimens resulted in the discovery of many new species. The coloured plates are by Werner. Jean-Charles Werner (1798-1856) was a natural history artist and comparative anatomist for the Muséum d Histoire Naturelle in Paris
- Published
- Paris; P.Bertrand, 1855 [but later].
- References
- Cf Nissen 241.
- Plates
- 20
- Binding/Size
- M=4to
- Value
- 0-5000
- Published
- Paris; P.Bertrand, 1855 [but later].
- Ref
- 1147
[New or rare animals collected during the expedition in the central parts of South America from Rio de Janeiro to Lima…] 4to. (325 x 230 mm). Half-title, the text leaves unopened. Twenty hand-coloured lithographic plates of exotic birds by Oudart. Later wrappers, uncut. This offprint from the larger work by Castelnau is section 3 first part of part 7 of the Zoology and appears to have been published later in the 19th century. One copy, the Howard copy, is noted in ABPC. The plates are in good condition, and the colours are fresh and lively. Coloured plates in order: 1. Cymindis a Gros Bec. Regerhinus Megarhynchus. 2. Maragana de Weddell. Maracana Weddellii. 3. (1) Maracana de Lucien. Maracana Luciani. (2) Perruche a Gorge Orangee. Conurus Jugularis. 4. Ara de Primoli. Ara Primoli. 5. Chrysotis a Ceinturon Jaune. Chrysotis Hypochondriacus. 6. Cultride de Pucheran (Male). Cultrides Pucherani 7. Cultride de Pucheran (Jeune Age). Cultrides Pucherani. 8. (1) Barbu de l'Amazone (Male). (2) Micropogon Amazoninus (Jeune male). 9. (1) Barbu a Front d'Or? Micropogon Aurifrons? (2) Jacamar a Tete Cuivree. Jacamar Chalcocephalia. 10. Jacamerops d'Isidore. Jacamerops Isidori. 11. (1) Tamatia Noiratre Capito (Nyctastes) Pulmentum. (2) Couroucou de Ramon. Trogon Ramoniana. (3) Oiseau-Mouche de Castelnau. Trochilus Catelnaudii. 12. (1) Picucule Tachete. Dendrornis Multiguttatus. (2) Picucule a Bec Pale. Dendrornis Rostripallens. 13. (1) Picucule de Deville. Dendrocolaptes Devillei. (2) Dendrornis Guttatoide. Dendrornis Guttatoides. 14. (1) Dendrornis de Kiener. Dendrornis Kienerii. (2) Dendrornis de Weddell. Dendrornis Weddellii. 15. (1) Picucule a Manteau. Dendrornis Palliatus. (2) Glyphorhynque de Castelnau. Glyphorhynchus Castelnaudii.(3) Sittasome de l'Amazone. Sittasomus Amazonus. 16. (1) Conopophage du Perou. Conopophaga Peruviana. (2) Conopophage de Therese. Conopophaga Theresae. (3) Heterochnemis Bicolore. Heterochnemis Bicolor. 17. (1) Saracholin a Gorge Rousse. Saracholinus Rufigulais. (2) Herpsilochmie Argentee. Herpsilochmus Argentatus. (3) Rhopothere a Gouttelettes. Rhopothera Guttata. 18. (1) Casiornis Type. Casiornis Typus. (2) Schifformis Majeur. Schifformis Major. (3) Cassique d'Osery. Cassicus Oseryi. 19. (1) Cassique de Deville. Cassicus Devillei. (2) Cassique d'Alfred. Cassicus Alfredi. 20. (1) Arremon de Deville. Arremon Devillei. (2) Pipilops a Tete Rousse. Pipilopsis Ruficeps.